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Web Development in the Cloud

Your business needs to leverage information in order to succeed.
I am here to help you achieve that.

Corey Boiko

Designer & Developer Getting your ideas out to the right people isn't as easy as just having good ideas.
That's where I come in! Why should you worry about anything other than the big picture?

Coreyborg coding on a couch with custom cloud laptop artwork



didntrealize.com site preview - mobile size

I was the online manager of Anko.com , an e-commerce store selling thousands of home goods products directly from the Australian market for wicked cheap.

*Due to Covid 19, Anko was forced to close all stores.


coreyborg custom designed icon representing design


coreyborg custom designed icon representing Development

• BigCommerce • SCSS • Javascript • React • Unit Tests • Google Optimize • Google Analytics • usertesting.com • Github

Didn't Realize

Didnt Realize

didntrealize.com site preview - mobile size

Didntrealize.com is a platform where users can display their art and music projects. It is made with serverless architecture, using the firebase suite for cloud database and functions.


coreyborg custom designed icon representing design


coreyborg custom designed icon representing Development

• Javascript • Vue.js • Firebase.js • Cloud Database • Cloud Functions • Unit Tests • Typescript • SCSS • Github

Food For Heart

Food For Heart

foodforheart.net site preview - mobile size

foodforheart.net is the promotional brochure site, for a distinguished Dietitian in Hawaii. The site is hosted for free, and required a custom logo design.


coreyborg custom designed icon representing design


coreyborg custom designed icon representing Development

• HTML • CSS • Javascript • jQuery • Github Pages • Graphic Design



escrave.com site preview - mobile size

Escave.com is a web app designed to help you anonymously track any addiction that you want, to hold yourself accountable. The basic idea is to put statisics about your behavior into your own hands.


coreyborg custom designed icon representing design


coreyborg custom designed icon representing Development

• Web App (PWA) • Wordpress • Custom Theme • PHP • Javascript • jQuery • Graphic Design • Github

Metatorial Services, Inc.

Metatorial Services

metatorial.com site preview - mobile size

Metatorial.com is a website showcasing Learning Management System design by an adjunct professor of informatics at the University of Washington. It features his articles, learning systems, and impressive client list from over 20 years of experience.


coreyborg custom designed icon representing design


coreyborg custom designed icon representing Development

• HTML • CSS • Javascript • jQuery • Bootstrap • Graphic Design

Winning Pictures

Winning Pictures

winningpictures.tv site preview - mobile size

Winningpictures.tv is a promotional brochure site for a prominent Seattle documentary film maker. The site is made with wordpress, and I created a personalized guide for my client for site updates.


coreyborg custom designed icon representing Development

• Wordpress • HTML • CSS • Javascript • Bootstrap

Laurelhurst Research

Laurelhurst Research

laurelhurstresearch.com site preview - mobile size

Laurelhurstresearch.com is a wordpress site dedicated to the showcasing the skillsets and non-profit activities of two physicians. Along with the website, I delivered a diy guide to editting the site, catered to my client.


coreyborg custom designed icon representing design


coreyborg custom designed icon representing Development

• Wordpress • HTML • CSS • Graphic Design • XAMPP

Coreyborg feeling successful

DIY with a little help

Successful websites can span months to develop and cost thousands of dollars! For that reason, many people decide to try to tackle the task on their own. However, without the proper tools and knowledge of web technologies, your site isn't likely to accomplish your goals.

Let me help you fill in the gaps

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